Below you'll find the pre-event post information! After that, the post event information can be found!
We have decided to remove the auction element from our annual Spring Masquerade and have decided to, instead, host a date auction as it's own event!
We held a date auction before under the same name in 2019 so this is number two.

The event will take place on February 20th at 6:00 PM PST and should last around three hours. We will not have the bar and kitchen open during the event, we will only be focusing on the date auction itself.
- Post Event Information -
With the event over, everyone managed to find themselves a date but one! We set up a blind date for them though, so they didn't leave lonely!
Nashu volunteered to take a few photos of the event, here they are!
Overall the event had a solid attendance and everyone seemed to have fun! We may host a third Dashing Date Auction sometime in the future!