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April 28th, 5:00 PM [GMT-7] PDT

2nd Annual

This page was remade for the 3rd annual Masquerade. Please click HERE to be sent to the new page.


The Azure Flame's third annual Spring Masquerade Ball is set to take place on TO BE DETERMINED. The event will feature a variety of activities for guests to partake in, as well as a few competitions for prizes! More information on the other activities can be found below.


The main event, however, is the masquerade ball. The stage section of the estate will be open for people to dance, with seating for those who wish to watch.  The bar and kitchen will both be open as well for those who want a snack or a drink!


Throughout the evening, various sections of the estate and private chambers will be used for games and activities. This will all be announced in /yell to ensure nobody misses out!

Located on Mateus, Goblet, Ward 5, Plot 13.


The main activity of the night is the ball! However, there are several smaller activities that take place throughout the night. Below you will find them listed.


- The Masquerade Auction

Similar to a date auction...and practically the same thing. For those who need a partner to dance with for the evening, here is their chance! Alternatively, they can also use the auction to acquire a date for a future evening. More information and rules for this will be listed further down.


- Bardly Bard Off

A competition between bards competing for a grand prize! Additional information for this will be listed further down.


- Costume Contest

Those with the most exotic, fancy, and pretty costumes can compete for prizes! There will be a lot of categories to win, so everyone can have a chance at a prize! The one who manages to win the most categories wins the grand prize. As before, additional information for this activity will be listed further down.


- Trivia Trials

A game where people will compete for points! Answering a question correct will result in a point. The top three finishers will win prizes! More information will be listed below.


Despite the Masquerade Auction being an IC event, the rules listed below also apply OOCly.



1. To take part in the auction, you must be 18+. Even if you do not intend to flirt. Your character must also be 18+

2. You must fulfill the conditions of the auction, within reason. If you were bought so someone could have a dance partner, please do so. Likewise if both parties agree on a date. 

3. Expanding upon rule two, you can not attempt to force anything that will make the other uncomfortable. The most obvious example is erp. If you come to the event expecting ERP, you should leave and look elsewhere.

4. When bidding, please know that the auction will be using real gil. 


If you have any questions or wish to report an individual for rule 3 or 2, please contact Foxa Sulti or an event staff member.




60% Of the gil will go to the person being auctioned. 40% will go toward future events hosted by the Azure Flames. Full refunds will be given out if any issues arise with the individuals involved in the date. 


Signing Up:

Use the link below to sign up via Google Forms.

(Signups aren't open yet)​



Downstairs at the stage.



The Auction will begin ten minutes after the event's start time. 




The Bard Off provides an opportunity for musical performers to compete for prizes while letting music lovers listen to the tunes! 




1. Your performance must not exceed five minutes. This may change depending upon the amount of people who sign up.

2. You can not use any addons, plugins, or scripts to play your instrument. To ensure that one is not used, you will be asked to play a certain note during your song. 

if singing instead of playing:

1. Your lyrics must be original


Prizes are listed below.


Bardly Bard Champion:

1,000,000 Gil


Bardly Bard Runnerup:

100,000 Gil


Signing Up:
Message Foxa Sulti in game or send me a message via Discord. (Deadly Dragoon#1216)



The Costume Contest is one of the main activities! As the event is a masquerade, everyone should be in costume. Thus, everyone has a chance to win a prize! 

The prizes can be found below as well as their category.


Fanciest Costume - 100,000 Gil

Menacing Mask - 100,000 Gil

Unique Costume - 100,000 Gil

Charming Costume - 100,000 Gil

Best Battle ready Costume - 100,000 Gil

Springly Costume - 100,000 Gil

Colourful Costume - 100,000 Gil

Spookiest Costume - 100,000 Gil

Most Adorable Costume - 100,000 Gil

Most Rebellious Costume - 100,000 Gil

The Grand Costume Prize - 1,000,000 Gil



The Grand Costume Prize will go to the person that manages to win the most categories. If there is a tie, the prize will be split. 


Signing Up:

- Message Foxa Sulti in game or via Discord (​Deadly Dragoon#1216)


How It Will Work:

At some point during the event, you will be whispered. You will head into one of the Private Chambers where the judges will be waiting. They will score your costume in private, during the scoring process you can talk about your costume and the meaning behind it.





The Trivia Trials game is a quick activity where trivia questions are asked and answered! Answering a question correctly will result in a point. The game will last roughly 25 minutes.


Here are the prizes:


Trial Champion:

300,000 Gil​

Trial Runner Up:

100,000 Gil


The questions will revolve around the lore of FFXIV and the game mechanics. Due to the style of questions, it will be difficult to play this off as an IC activity. Even when it comes to the lore, there are several questions that characters would simply lack knowledge of ICly. You can treat this as an OOC portion of the event or play it off as IC. 


Game Location:

Private Chambers, Room 10, Game Room. This activity will be announced before it begins, to allow everyone a chance to take part. 


Game Host:




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