April 27th! Starts at 5:00 PM (PDT) and runs until 8:00 PM!
Located on Mateus - Goblet, Ward 5, Plot 13!
The Fifth Annual Azure Flames Masquerade Ball!
Returning once again since its debut in 2019, the Masquerade Ball promises entertainment, contests, games, and activities galore! Be sure to check the appropriate sections for further details.
Live Music!
A number of talented performers will grace our stages once again! Check further below for our performance schedule, and see if you can spot your favorites! Attendees are encouraged to dance - it is a Ball, after all!
It's A Party!
Like to show off your glitz and glam? Then get your best threads ready, because the Costume Contest returns with big prizes for the best costumes! Strike a pose, and good luck!
Seeking love? Fame? Fortune?
Then let our mystical diviners read your future in the cards! If you're looking for answers to life's mysteries, don't waste any time!
Feeling Lucky?
Like to risk it all on the roll of the dice or spin of the wheel? The Red Ink is who you want to see!​
Bold & Beautiful!
Five amazing photographers will be present for the whole event! Look your best, and you might get lucky and have your picture snapped!
Quiz Time!
Trivia Trials will put your knowledge to the test, with trivia questions about Eorzea's lore!
Canvas Captured
You can win some awesome character art from a Masquerade artist! Check out the section below to find out how to sign up!
Due to last year's overwhelming attendance, many activities this year will be held in private chamber rooms to reduce chat flood! To find out where they are taking place, please check the Schedule section found below.

The Costume Contest makes its return once again!
This year, the Contest will be held in Private Chamber #101.
The Costume Contest will begin at 5:00 PM, judging ends at 7:30 PM so that results can be finalized! Winners will be presented at 7:40 PM. Signups will close at 7:00 PM.
To enter the Costume Contest you must signup. Click this sentence to be taken to the Google Signup Form!
There are TEN categories for costumes this year, with a one million (1,000,000) gil prize for EACH category! You can win more than one category, and you should try! Winning a category grants you one (1) Masquerade Point, and the person with the most Masquerade Points at the end of the night will win the Grand Costume Prize of five million (5,000,000) gil! (You must have at least 2 Masquerade Points to win the Grand Prize, and all ties will split prizes as evenly as possible.)
Prizes will be delivered once the results are finalized and announced - if you are unable to remain online until then, your prize can be delivered at later date. You will be notified via Discord.
Here are the categories for this year...
Best Monochrome
Best Color
Best Battle-ready
Best Character
Best Wildlife
Best Use of Mask
Most Dramatic
Most Original
Most Mythological
Sweetest / Cutest

The Masquerade Ball wouldn't be a ball without dancing! We have chosen a group of bards to play their tunes throughout the night!
There will be music playing from 5 PM to 8 PM!

Clayde Lockheart

Broken [W]ings
Maddox Locke (No Pic)

Doot & Cute

Hero Boy

The Violet Tides

Sindryth Aestruna

The Obsidian Blade Theatre Troupe

The Obsidian Blades Theatre Troupe presents: Fables and Follies. Enjoy a humorous twist on a classic tale. But be sure to pay attention -- when certain green creatures wander into the palace, this simple play may quickly devolve into a game of trivial pursuit.

Here is the schedule for what is taking place and where during the Masquerade!
All times listed are in PDT
Masquerade Ball
5:00 PM to 7:50 PM
Bard Performances
5:05 PM to 8:00 PM
Downstairs Stage.​
Obsidian Blades Theatre Show
6:00 PM to 6:45 PM
Downstairs Stage
Costume Contest
5:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Private Chamber Room 101.
Tarot Card Reading
5:10 PM to 7:15 PM
Private Chamber Rooms 25 & 34.

Card Reading will be offered in TWO rooms throughout the night, from 5:10 PM PDT until 7:15 PM!

"Mystic Kimi seeks to broaden the study of Sharlayan Astrology, using both traditional and unconventional methods and tools. She offers a variety of reading styles and even the option to work with a novel coeurl-themed deck she dubs the “Coeur-acle Deck.” Find knowledge, insight, and personal growth through the wisdom of the stars!"

Corvan Beltardois
*Though a doctor by trade, Corvan's tutelage from one of his favorite professors at the Studium led him down the path of divination. Through his cards he receives intuition from the Fates. If you are dissatisfied with his counsel, he would do well to remind you that he is merely the messenger... but many of his clients have reported how frighteningly accurate his readings are."
Kimiya will be doing Card Reading in Private Chamber Room #34
Corvan will be doing Card Reading in Private Chamber Room #25

The Food & Drink menu uses the Azure Night menu options. The link will take you to Azure Night's Café page where you can navigate between the options.

The Bar and Kitchen are open for the event! Our staff will be working to ensure you won't go hungry....or thirsty!

Waitstaff will be present downstairs near the bar! Look for staff members with the Looking to Meld Materia icon( ), take a seat, and relax!

Ran by The Red Ink Syndicate
The team from The Red Ink Syndicate will be handling the games this year, and they have brought with them a variety of different ones to play!​
For more information on their games, check out their carrd located HERE!
Both games can be played with fake (RP) Gil or actual Gil!
The games can be found within Private Chamber Room 57! They will be offered from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM (PDT)!

Ran by the Tristan Solianteaux
Trivia Trials will begin at 6:10 PM and last until 6:50 PM.
The activity will take place in room 21.
Questions will be asked about Eorzea's lore, and players will have to answer as quick as they can to gain points! The top three players will all receive a prize once the game concludes.
1st Place... 3,000,000 Gil
2nd Place... 2,000,000 Gil
3rd Place... 1,000,000 Gil

Click HERE to join the Masquerade Ball Discord
The Discord will be used primarily so people can grab photos that our three photographers take during the event! There is an information section that says when each activity is taking place as well.
There is a single open chat channel where questions can be asked if any arise.

Ran by Koffee

Starting at 6:00 PM a random name will be drawn for the Art Raffle. Every ten minutes another name will be drawn for a total of six winners.
The signup form for the raffle is: Here!
You need to be online to have the art drawn. These will be quick ten minute sketches from the artist Koffee. If you are offline when your name is drawn then a different name will be selected.
Click (HERE) to see Koffee's twitter to see some of their sketches!

We have a lot of folks helping out this year! Here are some of them...

2022 Poster...

2021 Poster...